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產(chǎn)品名稱: high-quality Bunsen burner






產(chǎn)品特點:SG-2000 Series burner can be used to heating non-flammable object or solution,It can be used to heating the object to the high temperature. The maximum temperature close to 1900 ° C.


SG-2000 series of high-quality Bunsen burner is the company to meet the needs of various types of laboratory,Carefully designed and refined the production process technology. With high thermal efficiency, safety and good highlight the advantages of low cost, The price is far lower than can achieve the same level of quality of imported products, is that you select the ideal product in  Laboratory equipment. Bunsen burner is a very practical and useful tool in the chemical laboratory. Bunsen burner commonly used in high-temperature heating tools  in the laboratory, Bunsen burner is  invented by a physicists and chemists who called  Farah at the end of British in the nineteenth century.in 1850.it has been improved by a famous German chemist named Robert Bunsen • (RobertWilhelmBunsen). So called Bunsen burner.and Was widely used. Bunsen burner is a gas, natural gas and other combustible gas mixture of air burning metal lamps,Can safely burn the gas,F(xiàn)lame does not turn the clock back into the gas supply pipe,Be used to heating the reactants
Technique parameter:
SG-2000 Series burner can be used to heating non-flammable object or solution,It can be used to heating the object to the high temperature. The maximum temperature close to 1900 ° C.

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  • 劉先生



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